Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why neobux is not a scam

<– ClickOn the image to visit neobux
Neobux is one of the best PTC Sites. It is one of the sites that made history in the paid to click world and you don’t need to read this
neobux review to know it, you’ll find lot’s of folks sharing this
opinion. Now, it didn’t made history by being a scam, although you will
find some who will tell you that it’s a scam (they may also state that
Elivis is still alive) no, it made history by being the most
professional, the most successful, the most reliable and the biggest
earner for people like you and me. But perhaps more importantly than
all the other factors combined neobux is the most trusted PTC Site ever
to be created and more than 99% of people agree on this fact. The team
behind the site is highly professional lead by a very capable admin
that has literally revolutionized this industry. Neobux is now 4 years
old has paid over $40 million to it’s members and counting. Like all
legit PTC Sites it’s free to join.

Why neobux is not a scam

It’s online since 25th March 2008. Of course there
are older PTC sites out there but the mater of fact is that no PTC site
has that many users or more trustworthiness, or more popularity than
It has a forum. Having a forum is very important
and almost a standard thing now as most PTC sites have one. However if
a site doesn’t have one or it has but it can only be accessed by
members and not available to visitors it usually means that the site
has something to hide and it’s a strong possibility that it will
eventually become a scam. http://www.neobux.com/forum/ can be accessed by anyone.
Payments are made instantly which suggests that the site is doing well and it has more than enough money to pay everyone.
All members of neobux are paid and on time. You can find a huge collection of payment proofs in the forum http://www.neobux.com/forum/?frmid=6
It generates enough income from the sale of each ad
to pay the amount promised to its members. The cost for 1000 clicks is
$18 out of which $15 are paid to standard members. Of course for
premium members more is being paid out ($20) but thats’ a whole
different story as there are so many variables with premium
memberships. The fact that it’s often called “the king” of PTC sites
suggests the end result
It is rated as Elite by ptc-investigations which are one of the best sources for investigating PTC Sites.

What we don’t like at neobux

Lowering the click rates for standard members. The click
rates for the 4 fixed advertisements have gone down from $0.01 to
$0.001. Initially this change included all members, but the admin held
a poll the following day and the members decided that the rates should
be lowered only for standard members, for the upgraded will remain
$0.01. Lower rates will definitely bring more advertisers thus more
advertisements to click
and the admin says he still has some nice surprises for us (he already
lowered the cost for rented referrals, introduced the NeoPoints and
commissions from referral purchases) so this change might be for the
better after all. Let’s face it, he owns the best PTC site (neobux is
often called “The King of PTC Sites”) he didn’t achieved that by sheer
luck, he knows what he’s doing.

Why neobux may become a scam

There are no reasons to suggest that it may become a scam anytime soon

Why neobux may become a scam

Do you need to click daily to get referral credit?yes 4 ads
Direct referral limit30
Can you increase your direct referral limit?Depending on how many days you’ve been registered, all those days, minus the first 30, will count towards a limit increase.
For Standard members = Days-30 divided by 4

For example, if you have been registered for 330 days: 30 + (300/4) = 105
Can you delete inactive direct referrals?yes, and you can also sell them
Rented referral cost$0.20
Rented referral limit300
Upgrades range from$90 – $980
Minimum cashoutsThe
first cashout is minimum $2.00. This amount will increase by $1.00 for
each cashout until it reaches a fixed minimum amount of $10.00.
Payment processorsPayPal, AlertPay, NETELLER
Payment timeInstant
Advertising cost for 1000 ads$2 - $9 – $18 – $34

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown Hari: 7:35 PM Kategori:


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